Our Club presented three projects at my school, Diablo Vista, in Danville.

Makey Makey is an interesting way to interface between the software program and the hardware kit. With the use of alligator cables, a USB cord, Connector wires and the app, you can connect the world around you to your computer.

Cloud Trolley  is an experiment that uses kinetic energy from a deflating balloon to propel a small paper trolley over a horizontal string. Users at the fair could add small weights to the trolley and then measure the distance travelled by the trolley. We had placed a large graphing sheet for users to mark their observations based on  number of weights added, amount of balloon inflation and distance travelled by trolley. Graphing sheet allowed visitors to see patterns form as more users added their observations.

Geodesic Dome is the famous Architectural innovation by Buckminster Fuller. We used  a component called a ‘strawbee’ to build the links and nodes. The applications for these structures are endless.

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